*** ----> 3D guns fundamental right! | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

3D guns fundamental right!

Austin : The US “crypto-anarchist” who caused panic this week by publishing online blueprints for 3D-printed firearms said Wednesday that whatever the outcome of a legal battle, he has already succeeded in his political goal of spreading the designs far and wide. A federal court judge blocked Texan Cody Wilson’s website on Tuesday by issuing a temporary injunction.

Eight states had sued, arguing the blueprints could allow anyone -- from a teen to a “lone wolf” gunman -- to make untraceable, undetectable plastic weapons. Wilson complied with the judge’s order and shut down his Defcad website, which he wanted to turn into the “WikiLeaks of guns.” But by then, the blueprints he had posted -- after President Donald Trump’s administration granted him permission to publish in a settlement to end a five-year legal battle -- had been downloaded thousands of times. 

“No matter how badly I win or lose, you can download a gun from the internet,” Wilson told AFP at the headquarters of Defense Distributed, the company he runs out of a modest factory in Texas capital Austin. “This attempt by these authorities to go into court and stifle this information drove more people to the website to download it and spread it deeper into the internet.”