*** ----> Celebrating Independence day of Pakistan | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Celebrating Independence day of Pakistan

Islamic Republic of Pakistan is celebrating Independence Day today with a wave of patriotic zest and enthusiasm.  It commemorates the day when Pakistan achieved independence and was declared a sovereign nation following the end of the British Raj in 1947. Pakistan came into existence as a result of the Pakistan Movement, which aimed for the creation of an independent Muslim state in the north-western regions of South Asia via partition. The movement was led by the All-India Muslim League under the leadership of Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

As Independence Day draws near, the hot and humid weather of Pakistan has not deterred the nation’s patriotic zest as markets are flooded with children, elders and youngsters busy finalizing their preparations to celebrate the day today.  The Embassy of Pakistan   will join the Independence Day celebrations today at the embassy premises in Manama. 




I felicitate fellow Pakistanis on the auspicious occasion of our 72nd Independence Day. This day refreshes our enthusiasm and rejuvenates our resolve to work for the progress and prosperity of our motherland.  It also inspires us to serve our country and raise our green flag, which symbolizes our hopes and aspirations, even higher. It is indeed a time for celebration as our hopes and aspirations bore fruit on this day. 

Pakistan is a blessing of Almighty Allah and a haven for the Muslims of the sub-continent.  Our forefathers waged a unique struggle and gave unparalleled sacrifices for achieving Pakistan. Now it is our responsibility to shape Pakistan according to the dreams of its founders and to achieve this objective there should be good relations, harmony and brotherhood among all strata of society. It is heartening that the new generation of Pakistan is imbibed with the love of the country and is filled with the zeal to sincerely work for progress and its development. Yet, it is necessary that we should educate our children of the need for the creation of Pakistan and the sacrifices rendered to achieve it.

National days are celebrated with the purpose of educating society, particularly the new generation about the objective and the struggle for the attainment of Pakistan. I believe that the objective of developing the country and rekindling its glorious past can only be achieved if we work single mindedly keeping aside our personal interests. 

The economic problems being faced by Pakistan and the complex issues confronting it can only be overcome if we follow the teachings of the Quaid-e-Azam and Allama Iqbal in their true spirit.

Mamnoon Hussain


Islamic Republic of Pakistan



I wish to extend heartiest felicitations to all the Pakistanis, living within the country and abroad, on the auspicious occasion of the Independence Day of Pakistan. August 14 reminds us of the epic democratic struggle of our forefathers for securing a separate homeland for the Muslims of the sub-continent where they could fashion their lives according to their religious, cultural and social values. Indeed, we are indebted to our ancestors for their innumerable sacrifices for the cause of freedom and dignity of their future generations.

This day provides us an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to the ideals of our Quaid and to the aspirations of Dr. Allama Mohammad Iqbal who wanted to see the Muslim community flourishing in a separate homeland without any fear of oppression, intolerance, inequality and injustice. Our great Quaid Mohammad Ali Jinnah had envisioned a democratic, tolerant and progressive Pakistan where every citizen could utilize his or her faculties to the fullest and could reap the benefits of socio-economic progress in an equitable manner. He strived and stood for rule of law, egalitarianism and establishment of a democratic polity. Let us on this day rededicate ourselves to those ideals and also to reassess as to what extent we have been able to achieve those ideals.

Undoubtedly, our beautiful country is blessed with every gift of the nature. From an ideal geo-strategic location to the most talented and progressive youth, we have all the ingredients to carve out our own destiny and rise as a successful nation of the world. Unswerving commitment to the ideals of the Quaid and following the principle of ‘Unity, Faith and Discipline’ would certainly help us overcome our present-day challenges and make Pakistan a self-reliant, economically vibrant and a prosperous country.

Let us on this day renew our pledge to build the Quaid’s Pakistan. Let us on this day also pay our tributes to our heroes and to all those who have put their heart and soul towards ensuring that our freedom is not marred by any internal or external factors.

Happy Independence Day!


Justice (Retd) Nasir-ul-Mulk

Prime Minister  

Islamic Republic of Pakistan



On the occasion of  the 72nd  Independence Day of Pakistan today, I  offer my heartfelt felicitations to all the Pakistani community who are working and living in the Kingdom of Bahrain. This day reminds us of a great struggle and endeavour by the leaders of Pakistan movement to achieve and establish an independent Islamic country under the leadership Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah for the Muslims of sub-continent, so that they could live and shape their lives according to the values, traditions of Islamic ideology. This day also reminds us of  the sacrifices of the Muslims of sub-continent to achieve Pakistan on the world stage.

 Today Pakistan has been standing tall after 70-years of independence as the most viable working and largest democracy of the Muslim world. As a result of democratic process for the third consecutive time civilian transfer of power is taking place. The general elections were held throughout the country on 25th July 2018 was a big success and the great feat. These elections proved that the people of Pakistan believes in democracy, freedom and democratic process. As a result of these elections, members of new National Assembly and four Provincial Assemblies have already taken their oath of  allegiance and the new government will be formed soon. All these show  confidence and faith of the people of Pakistan in the elected and democratic process. This has also  been   acknowledged by the leaders of the world and election observers.

 The 14th August also reminds us of our obligations towards our country. We had to strive hard to achieve economic prosperity and social development for the betterment of our people. 

 I am glad to state that the members of the Pakistani community living and working in this beautiful kingdom of Bahrain are contributing to the peace, progress and prosperity of both Bahrain and Pakistan. They are many successful entrepreneurs, businessmen, industrialists, bankers, engineers and teachers in our community. They are our real heroes. They are our assets and their services are appreciated and recognized at all levels. 

On  behalf of the government of Pakistan, our community living in Bahrain and the Embassy of Pakistan and its staff, I would like to state that we  are extremely grateful and appreciative of  the efforts of the government of  the Kingdom of Bahrain under the leadership of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa, His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al-Khalifa and His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister  in looking after the welfare and wellbeing of the Pakistani community. I would also call upon our community to respect the local laws and be a source of strength and asset to further bilateral relations between the two brotherly counties. 

Pakistan and Bahrain have traditionally enjoyed excellent bilateral relations since the establishment of diplomatic relations. High level exchanges are a hallmark of our friendly relations. The government of Pakistan lays special emphasis on further developing these relations in all fields of life including trade, commerce and political.  It is mutual desire of the leadership to further deepen cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, science and technology, culture and sports and various other fields.

I am confident that the bilateral relations between Pakistan and Bahrain shall continue to grow from strength to strength in future.

Murad Ali Wazir  

Pakistani  Ambassador  



The Pakistan Community in Bahrain is a large and vibrant community and is well connected with the local people sharing similar beliefs, culture, traditions and social norms. Pakistani community members have been living in the Kingdom of Bahrain since past many decades. The benevolent kingdom is a homeland to over 120,000 active Pakistani community members. ‘Pakistan Club’ in Bahrain was founded in February 1948 soon after Pakistan got independence in August 1947 and is a focal point for the community serving as a hub for recreation, sports, cultural and community gatherings. 

The Pakistan Club and the Pakistani community is celebrating the  Pakistan Independence Day with great fervor and enthusiasm. Like previous years, the community has lined up many impressive programs to celebrate the Independence Day. As a continued tradition, the Pakistan Community members will join the flag hoisting ceremony at Pakistan Club today. Chief Guest will be H.E. Mr. Murad Ali Wazir, Actg. Ambassador & HOC of Pakistan Embassy. The impressive event organized by the Chairman and Board members of Pakistan Club will enthusiastically mark the Pakistan Independence Day celebrations. The program will include national anthem, cultural and traditional songs. This will be followed by traditional breakfast of ‘Halwa puri’, which will be served to all participants.

The community will also hold separate Pakistan Independence Day programs in other areas of the country to keep the momentum of celebrations showing our deep love and affection towards our country. 

This year, Pakistan Club will also be celebrating the 70th year of its existence in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Special ceremony will be organized whereby eminent Pakistani community members will be recognized and decorated. A special magazine will also be published highlighting the activities of Pakistan Club and contribution of its members.

On behalf of the Pakistan Club and its Executive Board members, I urge the Pakistani community to continue to play a pivotal role in the development of the Kingdom of Bahrain. I pray to Allah Almighty for the well-being and prosperity of the leadership and people of Pakistan and the Kingdom of Bahrain.


Eng. Rehan Ahmed

Chairman, Pakistan Club Bahrain



On this glorious day of Independence, Pakistan School wishes all our fellow compatriots in Bahrain a happy Independence Day. Let’s salute the martyrs who laid down their lives for a free Pakistan.   Pakistan School has laid down a well-defined and practical network of extra and co-curricular activities for the personality and the character building of students. These activities are conducted on inter class, inter house and inter school levels. Pakistani students have been performing tremendously in the Bahrain level sports, academic and cultural activities. 


Under the able leadership of the sitting Board of Management, Pakistan school has covered many distinctive landmarks over the last three years in academic and administrative areas. Pakistan School’s Federal Board results have shown consistent and impressive improvements over the last two years and this year history of sorts have been made in the Board exam results of SSC I & II declared in the first and second weeks of July 2018, where the students broke all the previous records in the 50 years old history of the school.   The school financial status is now reliable and stable. An internal educational quality assurance system has been introduced to ensure dynamic and resourceful classroom teaching, in line with BQA (Bahrain Quality Assurance Authority) requirements.  The sole aim of Pakistan school is to create a new generation inculcating in them qualities needed to be visionaries to lead their country in the future. The 72nd Pakistan Independence Day celebrations are being planned in a grand scale in the school. 



Independence Day observed annually on 14 August, is a national holiday in Pakistan. It commemorates the day when Pakistan achieved independence and was declared a sovereign nation following the end of the British Raj in 1947. Pakistan came into existence as a result of the Pakistan Movement, which aimed for the creation of an independent Muslim state in the north-western regions of South Asia via partition. The movement was led by the All-India Muslim League under the leadership of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. The event was brought forth by the Indian Independence Act 1947 under which the British Raj gave independence to the Dominion of Pakistan which comprised West Pakistan (present-day Pakistan) and East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). The main Independence Day ceremony takes place in Pakistan Bahrain Friendship Society office at Pakistan House Riffa, where the national flag is hoisted at the Pakistan House buildings. It is followed by the national anthem and live speeches by leaders. Usual celebratory events and festivities for the day include flag-raising ceremonies, parades, cultural events, and the playing of patriotic songs. A number of award ceremonies are often held on this day, and Pakistanis hoist the national flag atop their homes or display it prominently on their vehicles and attire.


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