*** More bodies found in Kerala as toll hits 370 | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

More bodies found in Kerala as toll hits 370

• Rescuers fear the death toll will rise

• 46 bodies were found in the last 24 hours

• Dam levels remain dangerously high and more rain is forecast.

• Estimated $3 billion in damage but the bill is likely to rise

• Chief minister has requested extra funding


Rescuers searched submerged villages in southwest India yesterday in a desperate hunt for survivors after floods killed at least 370 people and drove more than 700,000 from their homes.

Entire villages in Kerala have been swept away in the state’s worst floods for a century. Rescuers fear the death toll will rise as they reach areas almost entirely underwater.

Thousands remain trapped - often without food or water - in towns and villages cut off by the floods, and heavy rain forecast in coming days threatens to compound the disaster.

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