*** ----> Australia gets new Premier | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Australia gets new Premier

Scott Morrison was sworn in as Australia’s seventh prime minister in 11 years yesterday after a stunning party revolt against Malcolm Turnbull, which the new leader admitted had left the government “bruised and battered”.

Former home affairs minister Peter Dutton, an ex-police officer and right-winger, was the driving force behind the move to oust Turnbull after a Liberal Party backlash against his more moderate policies. But after a torrid week of political manoeuvring in Canberra it was Morrison, a Turnbull ally who served as treasurer, who won a party vote 45-40.

He was officially sworn in as Australia’s 30th prime minister yesterday in a ceremony in the capital. Environment minister Josh Frydenberg -- who was elected as the deputy Liberal leader -- was sworn in as treasurer. Morrison -- an evangelical Christian known as “ScoMo” -- replaced a man who became the latest in a long line of leaders knifed in the back by ambitious colleagues.