*** ----> Emmerson Mnangagwa sworn in as president of Zimbabwe | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Emmerson Mnangagwa sworn in as president of Zimbabwe

Harare : Emmerson Mnangagwa was officially sworn in as president of Zimbabwe yesterday after winning a bitterly-contested election which was the country’s first since the ousting of strongman Robert Mugabe. Mnangagwa, whose victory in the July 30 polls was challenged by the main opposition, pledged to “protect and promote the rights of Zimbabweans” at an inauguration ceremony attended by thousands of supporters at a stadium in Harare.

“I Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa swear that as president of the republic of Zimbabwe I will be faithful to Zimbabwe (and) will obey uphold and defend the constitution of Zimbabwe,” he said to thunderous applause from a crowd that also included several African heads of state. “We must now focus on addressing the economic challenges facing our nation,” he said. “We are all Zimbabweans, what unites us is greater than what could ever divide us.

Since independence from Britain in 1980, Zimbabwe has known only two presidents -- Mugabe, who ruled with an iron fist for 37 years, and his erstwhile right-hand man Mnangagwa. Nicknamed “The Crocodile”, Mnangagwa was appointed after Mugabe was forced out by the military in November last year. The newly-minted leader yesterday hailed his victory as a new “dawn” for Zimbabwe after years of repression and economic mismanagement which left the country burdened by shattered public services, mass poverty and unemployment.

But his promises of reform and pledges to entice back investors were marred by the army opening fire on protesters, killing six shortly after the poll, as well as allegations of vote-rigging and a violent crackdown on opposition activists.