*** ----> Hong Kong professor arrested after wife’s body found in suitcase | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Hong Kong professor arrested after wife’s body found in suitcase

Hong Kong : A University of Hong Kong professor was yesterday charged with murder after police found his wife’s decomposing body stuffed in a suitcase in his office, the latest grisly murder to transfix the crowded city. Officers discovered the woman’s body, wearing only underwear and with electric wire around her neck, hidden in the suitcase inside a large wooden box in the office of 53-year-old Cheung Kie-chung.

The associate professor from the Department of Mechanical Engineering had reported his wife missing on August 20, saying she had not returned home after an argument three days earlier. Police said they became suspicious of Cheung after CCTV footage failed to show his wife leaving their home, while Cheung was seen moving a large wooden box out of the premises. On Tuesday afternoon police searched Cheung’s office, a five-minute drive from the dormitory where he lives with his wife and children.

“There was blood seeping out from the suitcase and it stank,” Superintendent Law Kwok-hoi said Tuesday night.