*** ----> Trump’s disapproval rating hits high point | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Trump’s disapproval rating hits high point

President Trump’s disapproval rating has hit a high point of 60 per cent, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll that also finds that clear majorities of Americans support the special counsel’s Russia investigation and say the president should not fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

At the dawn of the fall campaign sprint to the midterm elections, which will determine whether Democrats retake control of Congress, the poll finds a majority of the public has turned against Trump and is on guard against his efforts to influence the Justice Department and special counsel Robert S Mueller III’s wide-ranging probe.

Nearly half of Americans, 49pc, say Congress should begin impeachment proceedings that could lead to Trump being removed from office, while 46 percent say Congress should not. And a narrow majority — 53pc— say they think Trump has tried to interfere with Mueller’s investigation in a way that amounts to obstruction of justice; 35pc say they do not think the president has tried to interfere.