*** ----> Mexico serial murder couple claim 20 killings | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Mexico serial murder couple claim 20 killings

A couple detained in Mexico while transporting human body parts in a baby carriage has admitted killing 20 people, twice the number originally suspected, the chief investigator on the case said Monday.

The man also admitted raping some of his women victims and selling some of their body parts, said state prosecutor Alejandro Gomez of Mexico state. The man and woman were arrested Thursday in Ecatepec, a violence-hit suburb northeast of Mexico City, on suspicion of killing 10 women. The man gave detailed accounts of those 10 murders, and told investigators that he and his wife had killed 10 other people as well, according to Gomez. Prosecutors are now trying to establish whether that is true, or the boast of a “psychopath” and “serial killer,” he said.

“He described it in a completely natural way... I would say he actually seemed happy to have done this,” Gomez said in an interview with Mexican radio network Formula. “He wants people to see his picture, to know his name... I would obviously classify this person as a murderer, a serial killer.” The couple also admitted to selling the two-month-old baby of one of their victims to another couple, who was also arrested, according to the newspaper El Universal.

The arrested suspects are being identified only as Juan Carlos “N” and his wife, Patricia “N,” in accordance with Mexican law. He has “a mental disturbance consistent with psychosis and a personality disorder,” while she has been “mentally disabled since birth, and also has acquired induced delirium,” said Gomez. He cited a psychiatric exam presented by prosecutors at the man’s initial court appearance Sunday.

“But both can distinguish between right and wrong,” Gomez added. The couple were living with their three children, including a baby. When authorities searched their two houses, they found human remains in cement-filled buckets and wrapped in plastic bags inside a refrigerator, as well as articles of clothing apparently belonging to some of their victims.