*** ----> French health watchdog calls for ban on sunbeds | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

French health watchdog calls for ban on sunbeds

The French health watchdog yesterday urged the government to outlaw sunlamps and sunbeds because of the “proven” risk of skin cancer, in line with similar bans already in place in Australia and Brazil.

“We recommend banning all activities linked to artificial tanning, along with ultraviolet sunlamps sold for esthetic purposes, especially those sold on the private market,” Olivier Merckel, an expert at the Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES), said. Of 10,722 cases of malignant melanoma reported in French adults over age 30 in 2015, 382 could be directly linked to the use of sunbeds and sunlamps. Skin specialists, the French academy of medicine, and some politicians have already spoken out in favour of a ban, but the government has so far opted to merely tighten regulations.