*** Donald Trump’s forest remarks ‘rake news’ for Finland | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Donald Trump’s forest remarks ‘rake news’ for Finland

Social media in Finland was ablaze with bemused comments on Monday after US President Donald Trump claimed the forest-covered nation prevents wildfires by raking its forest floors. Speaking to reporters during the weekend while in California to see the impact of devastating forest fires, the US president again blamed forest management, but said Finland had the answer.

Trump cited the Finnish president as telling him Finns “spend a lot of time on raking and cleaning and doing things (in the forest), and they don’t have any problem”. However the Nordic country’s president, Sauli Niinisto, told the Ilta-Sanomat newspaper on Sunday that he had no recollection of raking being mentioned when the pair met in Paris a week ago.

“I told him that Finland is a country covered in forests, but we also have a good warning system and network,” the president said. Finnish social media users were quick to pile in, describing Trump’s comments as “rake news” and posting pictures of themselves brandishing the garden implement.

By late Sunday, raking-related terms were among the most popular Twitter hashtags and Google searches in the Nordic nation which is 72 percent covered by forests, predominantly of pine, birch and fir. Meanwhile Yrjo Niskanen, head of emergency preparedness at Finland’s national forest centre, said the US president may have been referring to the practice of removing branches and loose material left in the forest after logging.

But he pointed out that this is not done with a rake -- and the wood is collected for energy production. “I’ve never thought before that it could be removed because of the fire risk, that’s not mentioned in any forestry manuals. It’s taken away purely for business reasons,” Niskanen told the Iltalehti newspaper.

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