*** New rule for Indian nationals seeking jobs in Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

New rule for Indian nationals seeking jobs in Bahrain

All Indians travelling to Bahrain for employment have to register online at the government’s e-Migrate portal, or else will be offloaded. The new rule will be implemented from January 1, 2019, according to a notice issued by the Ministry of External Affairs in India.

The government of India has listed 18 countries including Bahrain, where registration is mandatory for non-ECR passport holders who are travelling on employment visa. Indian citizens will have to complete the registration at www.emigrate.gov.in. 24 hours prior to their departure. The new rule is to provide protection and welfare to the Indian emigrants abroad, said the ministry in the notice.

“The said registration on NonECR passport holders will be mandatory and required to be completed at least 24 hours prior to the actual departure,” read the notice. Starting January 1, 2019, no Indian emigrant holding NonECR passport would be allowed to go to these 18 ECR countries for employment without prior registration in eMigrate, as a measure of extending protection and ensuring their welfare overseas. “Off-loading of unregistered non-ECR emigrants at the airports would be effected by the appropriate authority after January 1, 2019.”