*** Five dead, 18 hurt as car rams into children in China | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Five dead, 18 hurt as car rams into children in China

A car rammed into a group of children crossing a street in front of an elementary school in northeast China yesterday, killing five people and injuring another 18, state media said. Police took the driver into custody and are investigating the cause of the incident in Huludao, Liaoning province, the official CCTV broadcaster said on its Weibo social media account.

Unverified videos circulating on social media appeared to show a car veering onto the wrong side of the road and ploughing through the line of pupils, with the impact from the crash throwing bodies across the road. Other gut-wrenching footage showed at least two small children lying unconscious and bleeding on the street.

The screams and cries of children could be heard in the background, as onlookers milled around the scene of the collision. Victims of the crash are undergoing medical treatment, according to CCTV. The incident happened around noon. The ages of the victims were not released. Police from Jianchang county in Huludao city did not immediately respond to AFP requests for comment.

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