*** ----> Japanese emperor stresses his peaceful reign ahead of abdication | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Japanese emperor stresses his peaceful reign ahead of abdication

In a rare emotional address ahead of his abdication next year, Japanese Emperor Akihito said he took “deep comfort” that his long reign had been one of peace as he remembered the “countless lives” lost in World War II. Akihito, in a pre-recorded speech to mark his 85th birthday yesterday, also paid tribute to the Japanese people and Empress Michiko, the first commoner to join the tradition-bound imperial family who has been at his side for 60 years.

His voice trembling as he discussed the legacy of World War II, the emperor pointed to the “countless lives” lost in the conflict, which was fought under the name of his father Hirohito, who died in 1989. Akihito also reiterated the importance of “accurately” teaching history to young people.

“I have believed it is important not to forget that countless lives were lost in World War II and that the peace and prosperity of post-war Japan was built upon the numerous sacrifices and tireless efforts made by the Japanese people, and to pass on this history accurately to those born after the war,” he said. “It gives me deep comfort that the Heisei Era (his reign) is coming to an end, free of war in Japan,” he said.