*** ----> UAE transfers AED1 bn customs duties for GCC | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

UAE transfers AED1 bn customs duties for GCC

The UAE Federal Customs Authority has announced that the total value of customs duties transferred by the UAE to the GCC countries amounted to about AED1 billion in 2018, as well as transfers from the GCC to local customs administrations. The transfers were through the implementation of 168,726 transactions in the Automated Transfer Customs Duty (ATCD) system, which was launched in October 2015, Emirates News Agency (WAM) reported.

In its report, the Authority stated that the value of customs duties transferred by the UAE to the Gulf States for goods and commodities that entered the GCC countries through customs entry points in the UAE amounted to AED 866.4 million, representing 84 per cent of the total amount transferred during the year 2018.

This reflects the processing of 134.3 thousand transactions. The customs duties on goods and commodities destined for the UAE transferred from the GCC countries to the local Customs Administrations in the UAE amounted to AED136.8 million. This reflects processing of 34.4 thousand transactions representing 14 per cent of the total amount transferred during the year.

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