*** ----> Taliban claim Kabul attack, warn more | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Taliban claim Kabul attack, warn more

The Taliban yesterday claimed responsibility for a powerful truck bomb in Kabul that ripped through surrounding neighbourhoods, killing at least four people including an Indian national, and wounding more than 100 in the latest assault on the Afghan capital. In a grim message, the militants also vowed to carry out more attacks in the city in direct response to the recent appointment of former spymaster and anti-Taliban veteran Amrullah Saleh as interior minister.

Monday evening’s explosion near the heavily fortified Green Village foreign compound shook Kabul and comes as diplomats ramp up efforts to end the 17-year war in Afghanistan, which by some estimates was the world’s deadliest conflict in 2018. The force of the blast was felt across the sprawling city, initially causing confusion about the exact location of the attack. It shattered the windows of surrounding houses and shops.

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid told journalists on WhatsApp that four attackers blew up an explosives-packed truck before entering Green Village and “killing many” foreigners. Four people, including three guards and one civilian, have been confirmed dead and 113 wounded, the health ministry said. An Indian national was among those killed, India’s foreign ministry said in a statement. Kabul police spokesman Basir Mujahid said that most of the victims were Afghan civilians. “Seven or eight people have been injured in every house around here including myself,” said resident Mohammad Aref.

“When I came out, the street was full of bodies of the dead and injured.” Until recently some UN staff had lived and worked at Green Village, which is heavily protected by cement blast walls. But interior ministry spokesman Najib Danish said earlier the compound was now largely empty and “only a number of guards” were left. A much bigger UN compound along with Afghanistan’s customs office and headquarters for the Independent Election Commission are also nearby.

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