*** ----> Have no idea how ‘GoT’ ends: Rose Leslie | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Have no idea how ‘GoT’ ends: Rose Leslie

Actress Rose Leslie says she doesnt know how fantasy series “Game of Thrones” will end. In an interview, her husband and actor Kit Harington said that she asked him how the show’s upcoming final season will end. Harington said he told her and then “she wouldn’t talk to me for about three days”.

But Leslie says their conversation was about the ending of season seven, not season eight, reports ew.com. “I genuinely don’t know the ending (of the show),” Leslie said. She added: “He told me the ending of last season and I remember getting a bit uppity about that...

He happened to tell me - and this is a spoiler for anybody who hasn’t seen the last season - he happened to tell me that one of the dragons fall into the ice lake, and then we see the dragon being dragged out of the water and the dragon breathes fire - or ice.”