*** ----> Pence hails Bahrain’s fight against terrorism | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Pence hails Bahrain’s fight against terrorism

US Vice-President, Mike Pence yesterday paid tribute to the tangible efforts of Bahrain in confronting Iran’s terrorism, especially Tehran’s threats to international navigation. Bahrain was represented at the Summit on Peace and Security in the Middle East in Poland by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Shaikh Khalid bin Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa.

Shaikh Khalid said Bahrain’s participation in the conference stems from its keenness to promote international joint action and support efforts aimed at establishing security and peace in the region. The Minister stressed the need for such efforts to continue in order to reach solutions, safeguard the sovereignty of States and prevent all forms of external interference as well as to eliminate all forms of violence, extremism and terrorism.

Shaikh Khalid met the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, Jacek Czaputowicz and expressed his appreciation for hosting this important conference. The Polish Minister praised the role of Bahrain and its tireless efforts to promote peace and security in the region.