*** ----> Britney Spears’ dad Jamie becomes her sole conservator after lawyer quits | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Britney Spears’ dad Jamie becomes her sole conservator after lawyer quits

Now Britney Spears’ lawyer is one singing “I Wanna Go”! Andrew Wallet is resigning as the 37-year-old’s co-conservator, leaving her father, Jamie, as her sole conservator. Furthermore, Wallet wants out as soon as possible, according to court documents obtained by Us Weekly.

“The conservatorship is engaged in numerous ongoing business activities requiring immediate attention and it therefore is in the best interest of the conservatee that the acceptance of Wallet’s resignation and the issuance of amended letters of conservatorship of the estate occur immediately and without delay,” the papers state. “Substantial detriment, irreparable harm and immediate danger will result to the conservatee and her estate if the relief requested herein in not granted on an ex parte basis,” the docs added.

Wallet started watching over Britney’s finances in 2008, after her erratic behavior and hospitalization made headlines. Now that he is leaving, Jamie will select and monitor all of his daughter’s investments and assets singlehandedly — for now, at least. The transition comes two months after the “Toxic” singer postponed her Las Vegas residency to be Jamie’s side during his recovery from a ruptured colon.

“I am dedicating my focus and energy to care for my family,” Britney said in a statement at the time. “We have a very special relationship and I want to be with my family at this time just like they have always been there for me.”