*** US warns ‘swift and decisive’ response to Iran | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

US warns ‘swift and decisive’ response to Iran

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo yesterday threatened a “swift and decisive” US response to any attack by Iran, in the latest of a series of escalating statements and actions. “The regime in Tehran should understand that any attacks by them or their proxies of any identity against US interests or citizens will be answered with a swift and decisive US response,” Pompeo said in a statement. “Our restraint to this point should not be mistaken by Iran for a lack of resolve,” he said.

The United States has already announced the deployment of an aircraft carrier strike group and nuclear-capable bombers to the region, saying it had information of plans for Iranian-backed attacks. The moves have frightened some European allies as well as President Donald Trump’s Democratic rivals, who fear the administration is pushing for war based on hyped-up intelligence.

Pompeo, however said: “We do not seek war.” “But Iran’s 40 years of killing American soldiers, attacking American facilities, and taking American hostages is a constant reminder that we must defend ourselves,” said Pompeo, referencing the 1979 Islamic revolution that transformed Iran from close US ally to sworn foe.

Merchant ships warned

US commercial ships including oil tankers sailing through key Middle East waterways could be targeted by Iran in one of the threats to US interests posed by Tehran, the US Maritime Administration said in an advisory. The US Maritime Administration (MARAD) added that US-flagged ships were encouraged to contact the Fifth Fleet - which is tasked with protecting commercial shipping in the area - at least two days before sailing through the Strait of Hormuz.

Meanwhile, Vice Admiral Jim Malloy, commander of the US Navy’s Bahrain-based Fifth Fleet said that if needed the USS Abraham Lincoln carrier strike group will be brought inside the strait. “I’m not restricted in any way, I’m not challenged in any way, to operate her anywhere in the Middle East.”

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