*** Dozen killed in Indonesia bus crash after passenger argument | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Dozen killed in Indonesia bus crash after passenger argument

Twelve people were killed and dozens more injured in an Indonesian traffic accident yesterday after a passenger tried to wrest control of a bus steering wheel following an argument with the driver, police said. The accident happened at around 1:00 am Monday (1800 GMT Sunday) when the coach swerved into oncoming traffic on a toll road in West Java, smashing into two cars and causing a truck to roll.

Some 43 people were injured in the multi-vehicle accident and rushed to hospital, police said. “In the middle of the journey, a passenger attempted to forcibly take control of the steering wheel... and the bus then lost control,” Atik Suswanti, the head of the Majalengka police traffic unit, said. The bus driver was killed, according to authorities, while the 29-year-old passenger was severely injured.