*** Xi Jinping dealt a blow | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Xi Jinping dealt a blow

Analysts say China’s powerful president Xi Jinping has been dealt a rare setback with the suspension of the extradition law -- although they warned Beijing would bite back by tightening its grip on the semi-autonomous city. “It’s a massive repudiation of the idea that Hong Kong will be effectively, over time, fully absorbed into mainland China,” said Bill Bishop, publisher of the Sinocism China Newsletter.

“You will see a redoubling of efforts by the party to squeeze Hong Kong in ways that are not necessarily going to be totally obvious,” he said. The violent crowd control measures on Wednesday, used by police as protesters tried to storm the city’s parliament to stop the bill being debated, have proved enormously costly for Lam’s government. “I think she has lost any remaining credibility or legitimacy to rule in Hong Kong because of her own mishandling of this whole affair,” lawmaker Charles Mok told RTHK Radio.

Protesters have called on her to resign, shelve the bill permanently and apologise for police using tear gas and rubber bullets on Wednesday. They have also demanded all charges be dropped against anyone arrested. “We will have to stay here till Carrie Lam changes her mind,” said Candy, 32. But others weren’t sure if Lam’s resignation would make a difference given Beijing’s hold on the city.