*** Russia, China, block US effort to halt North Korea fuel deliveries | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Russia, China, block US effort to halt North Korea fuel deliveries

Russia and China yesterday blocked an American initiative that aimed to halt fuel deliveries to North Korea, which Washington accuses of exceeding its annual ceiling for 2019, diplomatic sources said. Moscow and Beijing said more time was needed to study the US request, which was backed by 25 UN members including Japan, France and Germany, according to the sources.

A week ago, the United States, in a report, accused North Korea of breaching the United Nations-imposed ceiling on fuel imports by carrying out dozens of ship-to-ship transfers. The cap on fuel imports is among a series of tough sanctions adopted by the UN S e - cu- rity Council in response to North Korea’s ballistic missile and nuclear tests. The United States insists that “maximum pressure” from the sanctions must remain on North Korea until it agrees to dismantle its weapons program.

Washington had asked that a United Nations sanctions committee rule that the annual cap of 500,000 barrels had been exceeded and order all countries to halt fuel deliveries. Countries on the sanctions committee, including Russia and China, had until Tuesday to raise objections to the request to cut off fuel shipments to North Korea. The issue “should be decided... on the basis of solid and credible facts and through abundant discussion and study,” said Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang at a press briefing in Beijing yesterday

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