*** Thousands converge on HK police HQ in anti-govt demo | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Thousands converge on HK police HQ in anti-govt demo

Thousands of protesters blockaded Hong Kong’s police headquarters yesterday evening, demanding the resignation of the city’s pro-Beijing leader and the release of demonstrators arrested during the territory’s worst political crisis in decades. The latest protest comes after the government refused to meet the demands of demonstrators who have marched in their millions to oppose a bill that would allow extraditions to the Chinese mainland.

Opposition groups, after putting on the biggest political rallies in Hong Kong’s history, have called for the complete withdrawal of the extradition legislation and for city leader Carrie Lam to step down. But the movement has also morphed into a wider expression of public anger at Lam and party leaders in Beijing after years of sliding political freedoms. Throughout Friday the predominantly young, leaderless protesters used spontaneity and movement to up pressure on authorities.

Peaceful civil disobedience were used across key parts of the city’s commercial district, with a main roadway seized and two government offices briefly blocked. But the focus for the day and into the evening was the police headquarters where thousands gathered, many chanting “release the righteous” and “shame on police thugs” -- references to those detained during violence last week between demonstrators and the police.

‘Flow like water’

Anger towards the city’s police has exploded since officers on June 12 used rubber bullets and tear gas to clear crowds of demonstrators from the streets. Opposition groups have demanded an investigation into allegations of police brutality and the release of those detained during the clashes, in addition to Lam’s ouster and a cancellation of the extradition bill. Rights group Amnesty International said Friday it had verified multiple instances of police violence that breached international laws while the Hong Kong Bar Association added its voice to calls for an investigation into police tactics.

Crowds outside the police station grew on Friday evening as workers joined the largely student-led protest where demonstrators used metal barricades to fortify their positions and used unfurled umbrellas and masking tape to obscure CCTV cameras. Police held back from any response and with the exception of a few thrown eggs, the demonstration remained peaceful. Earlier in the day smaller groups of protesters briefly blocked entrances to the city’s nearby immigration and revenue departments.

“We need to flow like water”, to be able to retreat and regroup and adapt, said protester Chris, referencing a famous quote from martial arts superstar and Hong Kong legend Bruce Lee. Another protester likened the crowds to artificial intelligence. “They learn from themselves, nobody really teaches them, they just adapt to different situations,” said Bernard, 21.