*** ----> Hong Kong police vow to pursue protesters | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Hong Kong police vow to pursue protesters

Hong Kong police yesterday vowed to pursue anti-government protesters who launched a 15-hour siege of their headquarters as historic rallies aimed at ousting the city’s pro-Beijing leader evolve. Thousands of largely young protesters surrounded the headquarters throughout Friday and into the small hours of Saturday morning, the latest manifestation of angry demonstrations roiling Hong Kong.

The international finance hub has been rocked by the worst political unrest since its 1997 handover to China.

Millions have marched this month to oppose a hugely unpopular proposed law that would have allowed extraditions to the Chinese mainland. Officers also used tear gas and rubber bullets last week to clear protesters during another massive demonstration outside the city’s parliament, fanning widespread anger at the police.

The spark for the current wave of protests was an attempt by chief executive Carrie Lam to pass the Beijing-backed extradition law, which she has now postponed following the huge public backlash. But the demonstrations have morphed into a wider movement against Lam’s administration and Beijing after years of sliding political freedoms.

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