*** ----> Saudi accuses Huthi rebels of truce violation | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Saudi accuses Huthi rebels of truce violation


Saudi-led forces accused Yemen’s Huthi rebels of violating a ceasefire, but said they will abide by a five-day humanitarian truce that has allowed aid agencies to deliver relief supplies.

The humanitarian pause that began late Tuesday is the first break in the air war the Saudi-led coalition launched on March 26 in support of exiled President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi and has strong backing from Washington.

The coalition, in a statement carried by the official Saudi Press Agency, said the Iran-backed Shiite Huthi rebels had violated the truce 12 times, including with artillery and rocket attacks in several towns in the south.

Despite the alleged violations, the coalition pledged “its full commitment to the humanitarian truce and restraint”. 

Residents said calm prevailed across most of the country yesterday except in three cities -- Taez, Daleh and oil-rich Marib -- where there were reports of intermittent exchanges of fire between rebel and pro-Hadi forces.

The Huthis and their allies have pledged to abide by the ceasefire while Saudi Arabia has warned it will punish any attempt to exploit the truce.

Washington backs the truce and a US State Department spokesman has said it was largely holding, noting however reports of some clashes.

More than 1,500 people have been killed since March in air strikes and fighting between rebel forces and Hadi loyalists, according to the United Nations.