*** ----> Pompeo says US not asking allies to “choose sides” on China | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Pompeo says US not asking allies to “choose sides” on China

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo insisted Thursday that Washington was not asking Southeast Asian nations to “choose sides” between his country and rival power China, as he trailed a rebooted security and trade strategy at a Bangkok summit.

The denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula, a bitter trade war between the superpowers and open access to contested seas dominated talks between Pompeo and his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi on the sidelines of a summit of Southeast Asia’s top diplomats. Pompeo is tasked with reassuring Asian allies that the US remains a key player in the region as China builds up its military presence in disputed seas and airspace and cements its economic and political primacy across the region.

The rivalry between the two superpowers is framed by a trade war that has cramped global growth, and seeded uncertainty across Asia’s economies. Pompeo and Wang shook hands and smiled before the brief talks. In short remarks, Pompeo later insisted the US was not forcing Southeast Asian nations to choose between the two big powers.

“Our engagement in this region has not been and will not be a zero-sum exercise,” he said, adding “our interests simply naturally converge with yours to our mutual benefit”.

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