*** ----> Donald Trump deals another blow to Iran | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Donald Trump deals another blow to Iran

President Donald Trump took steps to bar senior Iranian officials and their immediate family from entering the US as immigrants or non-immigrants, the White House said in a proclamation. The proclamation repeated US accusations that Iran sponsors terrorism, arbitrarily detains American citizens, threatens its neighbours and carries out cyber attacks. The move also follows Wednesday’s announcement banning Chinese companies that have purchased Iranian oil.

“Given that this behaviour threatens peace and stability in the Middle East and beyond, I have determined that it is in the interest of the United States to take action to restrict and suspend the entry into the United States, as immigrants or non-immigrants, of senior government officials of Iran, and their immediate family members,” Trump said in the proclamation. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani earlier said the US would have to “pay more” if it wanted a wider deal and rejected meeting with the US president for now.

Trump has pursued a policy of “maximum pressure” against Iran to try to force Tehran to change its policies, and a senior US official said it would continue to “increase pressure on the Iranian regime ... until it abandons its outlaw behavior.” “For years, the Iranian regime has attacked, criticised, and aggressively worked against the United States,” said the official. “Meanwhile, hypocritical regime leaders and their family members have been exploiting our freedom and prosperity.

“They come to America to go to our schools, seek jobs, enjoy our entertainment, and take in our culture,” said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, adding such “officials and their families don’t deserve the privilege and luxury of coming to the United States.” Trump gave the authority to decide who would be covered by the proclamation to the secretary of state.