*** Venezuelan opposition struggling for momentum against Maduro | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Venezuelan opposition struggling for momentum against Maduro

 Opposition leader Juan Guaidó is struggling to draw protesters into Venezuela’s streets just days after calling for daily demonstrations to drive President Nicolás Maduro from power, trying to reignite a movement he started early this year.

Only several dozen people answered Guaidó’s call in Caracas on Monday, some scuffling with security forces. 

That fell far short of what the opposition had hoped to achieve, after Guaidó at a large demonstration Saturday appealed for sustained protests against the government, The Associated Press (AP) reported.

Office worker Ofelia Briceño said she was done marching until the opposition gets organized and can present a clear approach to lure the military away from Maduro. A passing group of marchers failed to persuade Briceño and her co-workers to abandon lunch plans and join them in the street.

"It’s crazy that they ask people to come out, but there’s no plan. Everything is so haphazard," Briceño said. "I’ve gone out marching many times before  but no more."

Guaidó rose to lead the opposition in January and later claimed presidential powers under the constitution alleging Maduro’s re-election was illegitimate. He vowed to oust the socialist president and hold new elections.