*** ----> Jewellery worth $64m stolen from UK’s Tamara Ecclestone | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Jewellery worth $64m stolen from UK’s Tamara Ecclestone

Tamara Ecclestone, the daughter of former Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone, has had 50 million pounds ($64 million)-worth of jewellery stolen from her home in West London, the Sun newspaper reported yesterday.

The tabloid said three burglars broke into the 35-yearold’s mansion having evaded both the 24-hour security teams that patrol the street known as “Billionaire Row” and Ecclestone’s own internal security operations.

The second daughter of Formula One’s former commercial supremo lives on Kensington Palace Gardens, amongst the residencies of the French and Russian ambassadors and close to the Kensington Palace home of Britain’s Prince William and his wife Kate.

Ecclestone, a model and celebrity in Britain, had just left the country for her Christmas holidays when the burglars entered the property via the garden and seized gems from safes hidden in her bedroom, the Sun said.

A spokeswoman for the Metropolitan police said they would not confirm any specific details but, when asked about the case, said police had been called to a residential property in west London just after 2300 on Friday night to reports of a burglary.

“Officers attended,” the spokeswoman said. “It was reported that an amount of high value jewellery had been stolen. There have been no arrests. Inquiries continue.”