*** ----> Pompeo hails Bahrain stances | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Pompeo hails Bahrain stances

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has hailed Bahrain stances in light of recent regional developments. “Bahraini Crown Prince and I underscored the importance of countering Iran’s malign influence and threats to the region.

I thanked him for his partnership in protecting American personnel and facilities in Bahrain,” he tweeted yesterday. Appearing on CNN’s State of the Union, the secretary was immediately pressed by host Jake Tapper on Trump’s Saturday night tweet warning Iran that America is prepared to hit non-military cultural targets if Iran were to retaliate. 

“We will defend America, and the strikes that we took over this past week, including killing the terrorist Soleimani and we will continue to take if we need to. If we need to defend the American interest, we will do so,” Pompeo insisted.

“What President Trump said last night is consistent with what we have said all along.”

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