*** World faces shortage of coronavirus protective equipment, says WHO | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

World faces shortage of coronavirus protective equipment, says WHO

The world is facing a chronic shortage of gowns, masks, gloves and other protective equipment in the fight against a spreading coronavirus epidemic, World Health Organisation (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said yesterday.

The UN agency has been sending testing kits, masks, gloves, respirators and gowns to every region, Tedros told the WHO Executive Board in Geneva.

“However the world is facing a chronic shortage of personnel protective equipment, as you might imagine. “This afternoon I will be speaking to the pandemic supply chain network to identify the bottlenecks and find solutions and push (for) fairness in distribution of equipment,” he said.

“For the last two days there had been fewer reported infections in China, which is good news, but we caution against reading too much into that. The numbers could go up again,” he said.