*** Foxconn to start making face masks alongside iPhones | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Foxconn to start making face masks alongside iPhones

Foxconn will start manufacturing surgical face masks alongside Apple products at its Shenzhen factory, the world’s biggest contract electronics maker announced Thursday in response to the deadly novel coronavirus outbreak.

“Face masks are now the standard equipment in our fight against the epidemic,” said Foxconn’s 1200 word statement on its official WeChat social media site.

“Every second counts in this battle, the sooner we can ensure a supply of these goods, the sooner we can stop the epidemic, save lives and get through these difficult times.”

Also known by its official name Hon Hai Precision Industry, Foxconn assembles Apple’s iPhones as well as gadgets for other international brands. The company’s vast network of factories in China are set to resume operations on February 10 after an extended Lunar New Year holiday caused by the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan which has since reached than 20 countries.