*** ----> Japan fully evacuates the Diamond Princess, in preparation for sterilization and maintenance | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Japan fully evacuates the Diamond Princess, in preparation for sterilization and maintenance

Japanese authorities allowed the last group on board the "Diamond Princess" ship, which had an outbreak of the Corona virus, to leave it, on Sunday, in preparation for sterilization and maintenance.
The Japanese Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) said that about 130 of the ship's crew members, including Indonesia, have left today, and they will be quarantined for two weeks at a government facility in Saitama Prefecture near Tokyo.
It turned out that about 700 of those who were on board the ship, who numbered about 3700, were infected with the virus, and they were transferred to a number of hospitals in Japan .. The Japanese Minister of Health Katsunobu Kato confirmed that the tests carried out to his ministry officials, who were on the ship, came negative, However, they will continue to work from home for two weeks as a precaution