*** ----> The world celebrates International Women's Day under the slogan "I am the equal generation: realizing women's rights" | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

The world celebrates International Women's Day under the slogan "I am the equal generation: realizing women's rights"

United Nations

 In celebration of International Women's Day, the United Nations held a major event in its headquarters in New York, with the participation of women leaders, girls, gender equality activists, women human rights defenders and some of the women leaders who played an active role in creating the Beijing Platform for Action more than a long time ago. Two decades.
The theme of the celebration of International Women's Day 2020 is "I am the equal generation: realizing women's rights." This topic is in line with the UN-Women multi-generational campaign, called "Equality Generation."
The event celebrated change makers of all ages and genders, and participants discussed how they can collectively address the unfinished business of empowering all women and girls in the coming years.
The celebration included speeches by senior representatives of the United Nations system, and intergenerational dialogue with gender equality activists.
This year’s celebration coincides with the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, which is the most progressive roadmap for empowering women and girls around the world.