*** ----> US moves Closer to shutdown amid coronavirus fears | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

US moves Closer to shutdown amid coronavirus fears


Officials across the country curtailed many elements of American life to fight the coronavirus outbreak with health officials recommending that groups of 50 or more don’t get together and a government expert saying a 14-day national shutdown may be needed.

Governors and mayors closed restaurants, bars, and schools as the nation sank deeper into chaos. Travelers returning home from abroad were stuck in line for hours at major airports for screenings, crammed into just the kind of crowded spaces that public health officials have urged people to avoid, The Associated Press reported.

In a sign of impending economic gloom, the Federal Reserve slashed its benchmark interest rate to near zero.

President Donald Trump sought to calm a jittery nation by declaring the government has “tremendous control” over the situation and urging people to stop the panic buying of grocery staples that has depleted store shelves nationwide. Gun stores started seeing a similar run on weapons and ammunition as the panic intensified.

As Americans struggled with changing their daily habits, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a dramatic recommendation: Because large events can fuel the spread of the disease, it said gatherings of 50 people or more should be canceled or postponed throughout the country for the next eight weeks. It added that, at any event, people should take proper precautions, including handwashing and keeping one’s distance.