*** ----> U.S.' only doctor governor offers sober voice on virus | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

U.S.' only doctor governor offers sober voice on virus


Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam and his top aides were having a meeting about the coronavirus when the discussion turned to neckties.

The governor said he had read a study in a medical journal showing that ties worn by doctors at hospitals can host harmful germs and help spread disease. So Northam issued an informal edict to his staff: Keep the ties in the closet until further notice.

“It was symbolic that we were going to pay attention to every detail as we try to prevent the spread of this pandemic,” said Virginia Secretary of Health and Human Resources Daniel Carey, who was at the meeting, The Associated Press reported.

As the Trump administration has offered mixed messages on the virus, governors have become increasingly important in battling the disease. But only one of them is a doctor. Northam, a pediatric neurologist, has emerged as a sober voice of authority cautioning that daily life will probably be disrupted for months.