*** ----> OPEC, Russia approves biggest-ever oil cut to support prices amid coronavirus pandemic | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

OPEC, Russia approves biggest-ever oil cut to support prices amid coronavirus pandemic

OPEC and allies led by Russia agreed on Sunday to a record cut in output to prop up oil prices amid the coronavirus pandemic in an unprecedented deal with fellow oil nations, including the United States, that could curb global oil supply by 20%.

Measures to slow the spread of the coronavirus have destroyed demand for fuel and driven down oil prices, straining budgets of oil producers and hammering the U.S. shale industry, which is more vulnerable to low prices due to its higher costs.

The group, known as OPEC+, said it had agreed to reduce output by 9.7 million barrels per day (BPD) for May and June, after four days of talks and following pressure from U.S. President Donald Trump to arrest the price decline.

OPEC+ sources said they expected total global oil cuts to amount to more than 20 million BPD, or 20 per cent of global supply, effective May 1. OPEC had the same figure in its draft statement but removed it from the final version.

The biggest oil cut ever is more than four times deeper than the previous record cut in 2008. Producers will slowly relax curbs after June, although reductions in production will stay in place until April 2022.