*** ----> US sanctions Syrian leader’s ‘henchman,’ media advisor | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

US sanctions Syrian leader’s ‘henchman,’ media advisor

The United States announced fresh sanctions yesterday against several senior political, military and financial figures in the Syrian regime as part of the Caesar Act, which punishes any company that works with President Bashar al-Assad.The sanctions target first and foremost Yasser Ibrahim, described as the Syrian leader’s “henchman” in a statement issued by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.The sanctions also target Luna al-Shibl, the Syrian leader’s media advisor,and Mohamad Amar Saati,a senior official of the ruling Baath Party who allegedly “led an organization that facilitated the entry of university students into Assad-backed militias.”Several heads of military units were also added to the long list of Syrians under US sanctions “for their efforts to prevent a ceasefire in Syria.”

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