*** ----> 30.78 million people are infected with the Coronavirus in the world, and the deaths are 954843 | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

30.78 million people are infected with the Coronavirus in the world, and the deaths are 954843

Reuters statistics showed that more than 30.78 million people were infected with the emerging coronavirus worldwide, while the total number of deaths from it reached 954,843 cases.

HIV infections have been recorded in more than 210 countries and regions since the first cases were detected in China in December 2019.
The United States topped the list, with 6 million 785 thousand and 198 injuries, in addition to 199 thousand and 292 deaths.
India came in second place in terms of the number of injured, registering five million 400 thousand and 619 cases, while the total deaths reached 86,752 deaths.
Brazil ranked third in terms of the number of injured, registering four million 495,183 injuries, while the deaths reached 135,793 deaths, which is the second-largest number of deaths in the world after the United States.
As for Russia, it came in fourth place in terms of the number of injured, as it recorded one million 103 thousand and 399 injuries, and the total deaths reached 19 thousand and 418 deaths.

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