*** A record cold in the Arctic announced after 29 years | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

A record cold in the Arctic announced after 29 years

The Danish Meteorological Institute announced on Wednesday a record level of cold that the Greenland region witnessed about 29 years ago, as the temperature recorded on December 22, 1991 level of 69.6 degrees Celsius below zero.

This figure comes from a measuring station that does not belong to the regular network of temperature-recording stations and was excavated by "climate investigators" before it was confirmed by the World Meteorological Organization, which explains the great delay in its publication.
"The record level was recorded at an altitude of 3105 meters near the topographic summit of the ice sheet, at an automatic measurement station called the Klink," the institute said.
"There have been a lot of record temperatures in the last decade, and it is important to know the maximum levels," John Capplin, a climate expert at the institute, told AFP.
He pointed out that "the possibility of registering a new record level of cold is diminishing, but I cannot assure that we will never witness that after today."
The previous record in the Northern Hemisphere was 67.8 ° C below zero, and it was set twice in Russia, in 1892 and 1933.
As for the lowest temperature in the world, it reached 89.2 degrees Celsius below zero. It was recorded by the Vostok Meteorological Station in Antarctica on July 21, 1983.

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