*** Kyrgyzstan president calls in military as protesters clash in streets | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Kyrgyzstan president calls in military as protesters clash in streets


Kyrgyz President Sooronbai Jeenbekov declared a state of emergency in the capital Bishkek and ordered the military to end days of unrest, as supporters of rival political groups fought on the streets.

A Reuters journalist in the capital heard gunshots and saw demonstrators from rival groups throwing rocks and bottles at each other and scuffling. One opposition politician was reported to have been wounded.

“Today we are witnessing a real threat to our statehood,” Jeenbekov said, explaining the move, a day after the Kremlin said it needed to prevent chaos in the former Soviet republic. Earlier the president had said he was ready to resign once a new cabinet was appointed - which could happen today, when parliament plans to convene in his residence, according to a deputy speaker quoted by a local news website.