*** Woman driver hits police car, says 'Sorry, I didn't see because your car is grey' | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Woman driver hits police car, says 'Sorry, I didn't see because your car is grey'

When a Kuwaiti woman motorist hit a police car at night, she got out of her vehicle, and her first words were: “Sorry, your car’s colour is grey, that’s why I didn’t see it.”
According to a Kuwaiti police officer, this was the strangest excuse he had heard in his career, reports Emirates 24/7 News. 

However, her excuse did not save her from the fine and punishment. 
This story went viral on social media, where many made funny comments about the woman driver. 
Bashayer, a Kuwaiti woman, said the motorist must have been busy on social media and that’s why she hit the police patrol and also came up with this silly excuse. 
“She should have told the truth to the police patrol driver. She should have said: Sorry, I was busy on snap chat.”
Others made funny comments, saying she should have said: “Sorry I thought it’s a giant mouse, that’s why I hit it.”
Many others urged Kuwaiti authorities to change the police patrol colour from grey to pink to help women drivers to recognise it. 


Image courtesy : Reuters

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