*** ----> Trump claims win 'by a lot'; Biden vows vote count will continue | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Trump claims win 'by a lot'; Biden vows vote count will continue

Agencies | Washington

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden vowed that the vote count would continue as he took the lead in several battleground states and appeared poised to win the White House in the election, even as US President Donald Trump remained defiant about the results.

“Your vote will be counted. I don’t care how hard people try to stop it. I will not let it happen,” Biden told reporters and aides. He added that he would try to bridge the country’s partisan divide and attack major issues like the coronavirus pandemic.

Joe Biden also said that he closed in on winning the US presidency he would he waste no time in addressing the Covid pandemic upon taking office.

“I want everyone, everyone to know on day one we’re going to put our plan to control this virus into action,” Biden said in a late night address from his hometown Wilmington, in Delaware.

Biden expressed confidence that he would defeat President Donald Trump as vote counting dragged on from Tuesday’s election but stopped short of declaring himself the winner.

He pledged to unite a bitterly divided nation.

“It’s time for us to come together as a nation to heal,” Biden said.

Trump claimed on Saturday that he had won the election 'by a lot'. Twitter has flagged the tweet as officials are yet to call the race.

States are still counting votes in the presidential election, Biden is on the verge of victory and Trump is at his Virginia golf club for the first time since the end of September.

Trump left the White House on Saturday morning and had on golf shoes, a windbreaker and a white hat.

The White House isn’t immediately responding to questions about the president’s possible golfing partners.

There were a few people with Biden flag banners outside the club entrance when Trump arrived.

Trump also has spent the morning tweeting about his unsubstantiated allegations of election fraud and illegal voting. Twitter hid four of the president’s tweets behind a warning label that they may contain disputed or misleading statements about the election.

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