*** ----> EU summit presses Turkey to halt migrant tide | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

EU summit presses Turkey to halt migrant tide

EU leaders urged Turkey on Thursday to help stem the flow of refugees towards Europe, offering concessions if a reluctant Ankara agrees to a plan to curb the biggest migration crisis since World War II.

 As leaders gathered for a summit in Brussels, German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned that Europe could not tackle the problem without the help of Turkey, which is hosting more than two million Syrian refugees.

 "We cannot organise or stem the refugee movements without working with Turkey," said Merkel as she urged Europe to stand together in the face of a tide of more than 600,000 migrants this year alone.

 But in a sign of the divisions within the union over the crisis, Hungary said it had completed work on a border fence with fellow EU member Croatia to stem the massive daily influx.

 Senior EU officials were in Turkey on Wednesday to press the government to accept a plan that was first presented to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Brussels the week before, and were due to report back to the leaders.

 The European Commission, the EU's executive arm, was ready to offer Turkey up to three billion euros in aid to seal the deal, European sources said.

 Turkey is the main launching point for migrants entering Europe, most of them making the short but dangerous sea crossing to the Greek islands as they flee war and repression in the Middle East and North Africa.

 But French President Francois Hollande said there had to be "clear rules" on what Turkey could expect, playing down Ankara's demands for the easing of visa rules as would be expected for a long-standing candidate for EU membership.

 "There must not be an understanding that just because we want Turkey to help us by keeping refugees in its country, that there will be unconditional visa liberalisation," Hollande said as he arrived for the summit.