*** ----> Iraq requests new round of talks with US over troop withdrawal | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Iraq requests new round of talks with US over troop withdrawal

AP | Baghdad

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Iraq has sent a formal request to President Joe Biden’s administration for a date to resume strategic talks on bilateral relations and the withdrawal of remaining US combat forces, Iraqi officials said yesterday.

The talks, which began in June under the Trump administration, would be the first under Biden, who assumed office in January.

The discussions are meant to shape the future of the US-Iraq relationship.

Relations between the two countries have been fraught with tension, particularly following the US airstrike in January 2020 that killed the Iranian Gen.

Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis just outside the Baghdad airport.

Outraged, Iraqi lawmakers, spurred by Shiite political factions, passed a non-binding resolution to oust US-led coalition forces from the country following the attack.

Relations have improved since Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi took over the helm of Iraq’s government in May.

But some parties, notably parliament’s Iran-backed Fatah bloc, continue to call for the withdrawal of US forces.

So far, two sessions of strategic talks have been held — in June and August.

Among the issues on the agenda laid out ahead of the talks were the presence of US troops in the country, militia groups acting outside of state authority and Iraq’s dire economic crisis.

The US blames Iran-backed Shiite Iraqi militias for numerous attacks targeting US personnel and interests in Iraq.

According to three government officials, Iraq recently sent an official memo to the US requesting a date for a new round of discussions on bilateral relations and specifically, the withdrawal of remaining combat forces.