*** Hollande says there will be a climate deal in Paris | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Hollande says there will be a climate deal in Paris

French President Francois Hollande said Monday a deal would be reached at an upcoming climate conference in Paris, although the scope of the agreement had yet to be defined.

 "There will be a deal in Paris. The question is at what level the agreement will be reached, and whether we will be able to revise it regularly, That's what is at stake in the negotiations," he told a gathering of unions, employers and government members.

 The last round of negotiations for a climate rescue pact ahead of the year-end Paris talks, got off to a halting start in Bonn on Monday with developing countries protesting that several of their key demands were being sidelined.

 Hollande said he had "a certain confidence" that an agreement would be reached in Paris because "the nations are committed".

 His tone was much more upbeat than that of French Prime Minister Manuel Valls who two weeks ago said a comprehensive climate agreement was "still a long way off".

 Representatives of 195 countries are expected to meet in Paris for the key talks which will take place between November 30 and December 11.