*** Suicide bombing at mosque in NE Nigeria kills 55 | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Suicide bombing at mosque in NE Nigeria kills 55

At least 55 people were killed and 100 were injured in a suicide bombing at a mosque in Maiduguri, northeast Nigeria, on Friday, raising fresh security concerns after a wave of similar attacks.

 The attack happened shortly after 5:00 am (0400 GMT) in the Jidari area of the Borno state capital, which has previously been targeted by Boko Haram militants.

 Maiduguri has now been hit six times this month, killing a total of 76 people, according to a tally, underscoring an increased risk to civilians after similar strikes in neighbouring states and near the capital, Abuja.

 Umar Sani, a civilian vigilante assisting the military in the counter-insurgency, and local resident Musa Sheriff both reportedly said that there were two blasts at the mosque.

 "People from various mosques nearby rushed to the scene to assist the victims," said Sani.

  Sheriff, who said he escaped with his life as he was late for prayers, gave a similar account.

 Both men also said two other people were arrested and handed over to the military for questioning after they were seen apparently celebrating following the blasts.

 The two men were "standing from afar, hugging each other like a celebration, chanting "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest)", said Sani.

 "The rescuers apprehended them. They used ropes to tie them and they confirmed that two of their comrades carried out the attacks. They were unrepentant," he added.

 "To them it was a mission accomplished," said Sheriff.