*** ----> 130 Houthi militia killed by Arab coalition airstrikes | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

130 Houthi militia killed by Arab coalition airstrikes

Agencies | Dubai

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

More than 130 members of the Houthi militia were killed in Al-Bayda and Marib in Yemen in airstrikes over the past 24 hours, the Arab coalition was quoted by TV news channel Al-Arabiya as saying yesterday.

The bloc also destroyed 16 military vehicles belonging to the militias in both governorates.

It also said four operations targeted the Houthis in support of Yemeni forces on the west coast and to protect civilians, the coalition said.

Earlier, Yemen’s Information Minister Muammar Al-Eryani called on the international community to classify the Houthi militia as a terrorist organisation and urged countries to pressure the group to stop recruiting children as soldiers, state news agency Saba News reported.

To mark International Children’s Day, Al-Eryani said: “We remember tens of thousands of Yemeni children that the militia has recruited, brainwashed their minds with sectarian terrorist ideology, subjected them to military training and deployed them to the frontlines as a service to the Iranian regime.”

Houthis have replaced mainstream education with “radicalisation courses”.