*** ----> Indian girl refuses to leave Ukraine to take care of house owner's kids as he joins war | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Indian girl refuses to leave Ukraine to take care of house owner's kids as he joins war

TDT | Kyiv

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

A 17-year old girl from India's Haryana state who had gone to study in Ukraine refused to leave Kyiv in order to take care of three children of her house owner after he joined the war. "She doesn't want to leave them in such times", a friend of her parents' Savita Jakhar said on Facebook. "I wonder what is giving her such courage", she added.

According to the post written by Savita, also Indian, and who currently works as a teacher in Denmark, children, no matter their skin colour, religion, language, country or culture, "deserve much better".

Here is an excerpt from the post:

"It's about to be four in the morning, there's strange anxiety, I couldn't sleep the whole night. A very close friend's 17-year-old daughter is trapped in Kyiv, went for a bachelor. ... Couldn't find space in the hostel, so rented a room with a loving family with three children. The day before yesterday father of children joined the army, a mother with three children is in a bunker,... My friend's daughter is also with them. 

My friend tried hard to contact the embassy to get him out of there, but the girl does not want to come back leaving those three children and their mother alone in such difficult times. Despite millions of efforts of mother, the girl is stubborn to stay there till the end of the war. 

I'm wondering what is encouraging that child to stand with that family in such difficult times? He knows that he can lose his life in this way but he cares more about the lives of those three small children than his own life... She cares more about a mother than her mother who is alone there with her children...,!!"