*** ----> Food prices will rise globally: Putin on western sanctions on Russia amid war | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Food prices will rise globally: Putin on western sanctions on Russia amid war

Agencies| Moscow 

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin on Thursday warned that the Western sanctions on Moscow could send global food prices soaring citing that Russia was one of the world's main producers of fertiliser, which is essential to global supply chains.

"Russia and Belarus are some of the biggest suppliers of mineral fertilisers. If they continue to create problems for the financing and logistics of the delivery of our goods, then prices will rise and this will affect the final product, food products," AFP quoted Putin as saying during a televised government meeting.

Russian offensive continues: The Russian forces continue their offensive against Ukraine for the fifteenth day on Thursday. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian government has said that at least 71 children have been killed and more than 100 wounded since the Russian invasion began.
'549 civilian deaths recorded in Ukraine'
As the Russian forces continue their offensive, the United Nations on Thursday said that it had recorded 549 civilian deaths in Ukraine, including 41 children, though the actual toll could be far higher.
Russia-Ukraine FMs meet in Turkey
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met with his Ukrainian counterparty Dmytro Kuleba in Turkey. Moscow is ready to continue talks with Kyiv within the framework of the existing format in Belarus, Lavrov said after the meeting.
Odessa remains under Ukrainian control
The major port city of Odessa remains under Ukrainian control and has so far been spared fighting. However, the US Defence Department said Russian ground forces appeared primed to attack the city, possibly in coordination with an amphibious assault.
'Putin may use chemical weapons in Ukraine: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said that Russia may use chemical weapons in Ukraine terming it's "straight out of their playbook". "The stuff which you are hearing about chemical weapons is straight out of the Russian playbook," he told Sky News, echoing US warnings that President Vladimir Putin could be set on a horrifying escalation.
G7 calls on oil, gas producers to boost deliveries
The G7 ( Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States) club of the most industrialised nations on Thursday urged big energy-producing countries to boost deliveries to blunt the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on prices. "We call on oil and gas producing countries to act responsibly and to examine their ability to increase deliveries to international markets, particularly where production is not meeting full capacity noting that OPEC has a key role to play," G7 energy ministers said in a joint statement.
US, allies to impose more sanctions on Russia
US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has said that the United States and its European allies could impose additional penalties on Moscow. "The atrocities that they're committing against civilians seem to be intensifying, so it's certainly appropriate for us to be working with our allies to consider further sanctions," Yellen said, without providing details.
EU warns of Ukraine refugee crisis: Amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a top European Union official has warned that the Ukraine refugee crisis was a "big challenge" for the bloc and set to get worst. However, he insisted that the 27 nations were showing "unprecedented" unity. "Unfortunately things are getting worse, the bombs are falling, more people are being killed, we are going to see more and more people fleeing. We don't know exactly how many but I should guess many millions will come," EU home affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson said.
Back to Feb 24
The Russian forces launched military operations in Ukraine on February 24, three days after President Vladimir Putin recognised Ukraine's breakaway regions, Donetsk and Luhansk as independent republics. Following this, the Russian President announced a "special military operation" to "demilitarise" and "denazify" Ukraine.